Everyone has at least one thing that they tend to hoard. Some people have a shoe problem, for others, it may be makeup, cleaning products, or collecting Rae Dunn. I have already told ya’ll about my craft supply problem . After I started machine embroidery, I had a few new craft supplies to hoard. Fabric, blank clothing, and embroidery designs are my latest obsessions. I have already shared my fabric supply and how I keep it organized along with blank clothing. Today I am sharing some of my favorite places to buy embroidery designs. Be prepared for cuteness overload!
If you are interested in any of the designs in this post just click on the picture to be brought directly to their site. Remember you will need embroidery software to personalize these designs and use fonts. Read here about the program I use and recommend.
The Itch 2 Stich
One of the first places that I bought designs from was Itch2Stich. They have the cutest embroidery designs and their quality is top notch! Here are a few examples from their shop.
Their applique designs are $4.00 and fonts are between $6-13 depending on the type. They usually have a sale going, so these prices can be less. Bonus, if you sign up for their newsletter they send you a code for 40% off your purchase of $6 or more. I get emails from them about once a week so I usually always have a code if I want to make a purchase .
Creative Appliques
Creative Appliques is another awesome resource for embroidery designs. The prices are the same as The Itch 2 Stich and they are usually running a sale as well. One great bonus is that they always offer a free design with a $10 purchase. They recently started selling SVG designs for electronic cutters such as Silhouette and Cricut. This is awesome because lots of times I run across adorable embroidery designs that I wish I could also create using vinyl . Other great things about Creative Appliques is that they offer FREE designs for you to download directly. They also have a Facebook Group that offers free designs. Lots of freebies are awesome in my book
Embroidery Boutique
Another one of my favorite places to shop is Embroidery Boutique. They offer adorable embroidery designs, fonts, and SVG cutting files. Great sales (designs are $1.70 as I’m writing this!), free design with $5 purchase, FREEBIES, and an awesome Facebook Group are some of the great things that they offer. I am currently obsessed with their vintage stitched designs .
Applique Corner
Whenever I am looking for a specific font, Applique Corner is the first place I look. There is nearly every font you can think of on this site and they come in a range of sizes. Also, I really like that you can print the font card and keep it in a binder so you can remember all the different fonts that you have when you are starting a project. Lastly, if you are using Embrilliance embroidery software, you can use the BX file to open fonts in the software and just type out the name or wording that you want to use. This is SO much better than having to merge a file for each letter ! They also have cute embroidery designs including faux smocks for all occasions. Don’t forget to also check out their FREE designs and Facebook group page.
Planet Applique
The last of my favorites I’m going to share with you today is Planet Applique. This site not only grabbed my attention by their cute embroidery designs but also by the fact that they have 25 cent sales!!! I’m not sure how often they do this but my first purchase with them was for one of these sales during Valentine’s day and I got a bunch of cute designs for only a QUARTER each! And you thought I was excited about a DOLLAR in my fabric organization post ! Lots to love about this site including adorable designs, fonts, and applique alphabets. They always have awesome freebies with both a $5 and $10 purchase. FREE designs are always a plus in my book. I haven’t tried any of their in the hoop projects yet, but I need to do one soon cause they are too adorable!
Embroidery Designs
So once I started writing this, I quickly realized that I have too many places that I want to share with ya’ll to be able to fit them all into one post. So let’s consider this Part 1, and who knows how many parts it will have by the time I am done . When I first started out, I was overwhelmed with the amount of cuteness out there. I quickly learned that I need to get the most bang for my buck. I want to make sure ya’ll get the best deals too. Save money on designs by joining Facebook groups and get coupon codes in newsletters. Also go download all of those free designs RIGHT NOW! Sometimes they change and you don’t want to pass up on something for free
Another recommendation I have for you if you are just starting out is to make a word document or binder with all the designs and fonts you buy. I’ll try and write a post on how I put my binder together in the future. The reason I say this is because if you ever do start taking orders, it is nice to show someone all the designs you have available to choose from.
If you have more questions please join my Facebook group for embroidery and vinyl crafts discussion and motivation.
Other Machine Embroidery posts you might like:
How to Get Started with Machine Embroidery: Supplies you will need
Brother PE800 Embroidery Machine Unboxing and Setup
Embrilliance Embroidery Software: The Best Program for Beginners
All About Stabilizers for Machine Embroidery
How to add a Name to a Baby Blanket
How to Hoop and Embroider a Baby Onesie
Hooping a Shirt for Machine Embroidery
Applique Tutorial from Start to Finish
How to Cut Applique Fabric using Silhouette Cameo
How to use 5×12 Multi-position Hoop
How I Built my Sewing and Craft Desk (with mini craft room tour)
How I organize Fabric and Blank Clothing
So that’s it for now. If you have any places that you love to shop for designs please let me know in the comments below
The post contains affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. All opinions are my own and I only promote products that I use and love.
Hi Karlie,
I just watched your youtube video last week and monogrammed my first blanket. Now with Embrillianfe yesterday I did my first appliqué, I am in love!
You mentioned it would be helpful to organize a binder with all the designs/fonts you purchase. Did you happen to make a post on this? I just bought a bunch and figured it would be better to start earlier rather than later as I continue to add.
Your posts are so helpful and thoughtful!
Alex Murphy
Hi Alex, I’m so happy you are enjoying your machine and got your first applique done!! Yes, I have a binder that I keep pictures of all of my fonts and embroidery designs in, but sorry I don’t have a post on it yet. You can use a program like One Note on Windows or Word/ Pages to make it. Whenever you buy a new design, take a screen clipping of it and paste it in your document. Then also copy the name of the design and what sizes it comes in like 4×4, 5×7, 6×10 so that you have all that info written when looking for a design. You can then either print it out and organize it into a binder and can organize groups like holidays, birthdays, and fonts. Another option is just to keep a digital file on your computer if you don’t want to waste paper and ink. Hope this helps!!
Hi Karlie, I just purchased a used PE 780D embroidery machine and am wondering if it is similar to your machine? I notice you have some larger hoops on uourvpeg board and am wondering if you use them for thst machine also. I currently am making perdonslized blankets and am hiping the machine i purchased will be able to embroider the names big enough. Did you use your pe 770 for all of these neat embroidery designs above? I jyst love them?? I have SO much to learn. I appreciate any advice/insight you can offer me. Thanks so much!
A variety of designs.
Alphabets/ fonts are hand digitized.
The letters connect easily and are beautiful.
Thanks for the suggestion Alice, I will check it out!
I do not have an embroidery machine and am looking for someone to embroidery something for me
Hi Debbie, I will email you and see if I can help you out 🙂
Recently came across your channel and have watched everyone of your videos. Iam starting late in life (76 yr) to learn how to use my PE 770 which I’ve owned for a couple of years..I’ve done some very simple embroidery and recently purchase the Embrilliance essentials and trying to learn how to use it..Could. You please do a detail video for someone who is not very computer savvy. I’m so glad you did the repositionable hoop video and now practicing using it..Thank you for your videos.
Thank you so much Luana! Yes I am working on Embrilliance tutorials. I recently did a Facebook live and showed how to do some basic but important things in Embrilliance Essentials. If you aren’t already in the group, you should come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/206454390724948/